JSIF undertakes Labour Day Activities in Denham Town & August Town

The Integrated Community Development Project II (ICDP-II), which is funded by the Government of Jamaica, supported 6 projects within 4 communities on National Labour Day 2023. The JSIF partnered with the Ministry of Education & Youth, the Jamaica Constabulary Force, the local police, Community Development Committees and Curfew Monitors from the respective communities, to rehabilitate the Math Resource Room at St. Alban’s Primary and Infant School; minor rehabilitation and clean-up at the Denham Town Police Station; rehabilitation of playfield and park at August Town Primary School, and improvement of the physical environment at 6 ZOSO checkpoints in St. James. In keeping with this year’s theme ‘Plant a Tree for Life – Promoting Climate Change Mitigation, Food Security and Road Safety’, trees were also planted at each location, where the Day’s activities took place.